
The President serves as the liaison between the Exec Board, chairs, general members, advisor, and Society.

Preksha Jain (she/her), President

M.S. in Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials, Year 1

Hometown: Tampa, FL


Preksha (PJ) provides support to the executive board, chairs, and general members. They also keep GT SWE connected around campus and with National SWE. PJ is always here to help :)

  • Favorite SWE Memory: One of PJ’s favorite SWE memories is her first conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The location was vibrant and colorful, which perfectly matched the energetic atmosphere of the conference and forming new bonds with SWEeties.
  • Other Involvements: GT Engineers Without Borders – Ecuador
  • Career Goal: Design safe and sustainable public infrastructure, shaping the way we live our day-to-day lives :)